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Sunday, October 25, 2009

New Poem for Contest- Free

I was scared the first time;
The second I rode by night;
By the third he had my heart;
After the fourth it was just a steady climb.

The wind blew through the trees;
Creating a harmony among others;
The sun shone high and bright;
Hear the wind blow free;

A chestnut mane whipped around;
Sending flurries of snow everywhere;
There were two, two were free by heart;
They were bound;

I wrote this poem with the second verse of "Aladdin", but added on to it for The Cornet Crazie's poem contest at Treble Clef! I am only entering one poem! It is about me and Aladdin, of course!

Thursday, October 22, 2009


Me and Miranda are going to try to get Faded Eyes published! So sorry....but it can't go on here. We don't want anyone stealing it! But I will try to put up some pictures soon! Maybe even some I did on Photshop!

What! it is called Moonlight CREATIONS! Which means we can put anything we made onto it! LOL! Have fun here!

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Night Whispers

Night Whispers
The night whispers in my ears;
The Daylight fades away;
The night leaves a mark;
Fog clouds over in the form of tears;

The wind blows strong;
The truth is revealed;
We have waited too long;
Night whispers are here.
I made this poem for the release of the title of the third book of the Fourth Apprentice! But it is still not official~! It is just a working title. Night Whispers...awesome right? Go to Newpath's Way to see mroe on it!