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Saturday, September 5, 2009

Free Spirit

The Life of a 
Slaughter House Horse.
I nickered as my Master groomed me.He was old.But very gentle.Right now he was stiff.I loved him as he loved me.But my life changed for the worst.
I turned my head to look at my Master.He was grooming me gently.But then I felt him go stuff and jerk. Then he fell to the ground. I nickered my worry and nuzzled him. He didn't move. I felt no energy coming off him. He was in my stall almost all day. Until one of my other Matser's came. They came to my stall and saw my Master lying on the ground. My other Master half screamed. Then they ran away.
I soon heard a screaming noise. Then I saw a white truck pull up. People ran out. They came into my stall and took my Master away.I screamed. Wondereing where they were taking him. My other Master came in and lead me into a trailer. I pranced. Expecting to go to a show. My other Master drove for a while. Then we stopped. Other Master lead me out of the trailer and into a pen,where Other Master tacked me up and got on me. I heard a loud voice and saw a lot of people. Other Master pushed me into a smooth canter. I sprang into the arena and did a few circles.
I saw a man watching me. But he wasn't watching my smooth beautiful movement's. He was watching the way my weight shifted back and forth. I showed the white's of my eyes to him and out my head,opened my mouth a little, in disgust.
Soon I was lead back into the pen. And that man came up to Other Master. He handed Other Master a lot of green things. The next thing i knew was that I was being led away by a complete stranger. I was loaded into a low ceiling trailer,with a lot of other horses. I pranced because I was nervous. The scent was horrible. But I was pushed into the trailer. Then  I heard the door close behind me. I screamed. I screamed for my real Master who would have never let this happen to me. I closed my eyes and tried to pretend that this was all a dream.
I woke up to yelling and the sound of a whip cracking the air. I screamed as that whip smacked me and cut my flank. I bolted out of the trailer and into a small pen with about a dozen other scared horses. The smell was more horrid then it was in the trailer. The sound was horrid too. In the distance horses were screaming,and there was a faint bang. I rolled my eyes and tried to side-step. But I was too close to other horses. Then someone opened up the door. I bolted through,but found myslef bumping into another horse. The door was shut.
The passage was very narrow. Only one horse could move at a time. I could hear the bang more clearly now. And the smell was fresh and revolting. I put my head down and tried to block everything out. I felt myself moving along. But I saw none of it. I only put my head up when  the ground changed from dirt, to concrete. I then found myself inside a building,with the scents even stronger then ever.
I walked along. The bang was easily heard. I panicked,but I had no where to run. I saw horses disappearing behind a metal door. That's when I heard the shot and realized what was going to happen.I started to scream and panic. But I could do nothing as I resisted going behind that metal door as something poked me. I finally ran in. The ground was horrible. It I rolled my eyes and screamed.  
I heard someone beside me. I flicked my ears in that direction and realized it was a man. Holding something...
I turned my head to look at him. I again expected gentle,caring hands. I was wrong to look at him. For when I looked at him he out that thing to my forehead,and pulled a trigger. I fell to the ground. Writhing in pain. But I got up. Knowning that was my only choice. I kept moving me head. The pain was horrible. I started to forget why I was there. What was happening. I stopped moving.
The guy bent over again. I felt the cold metal of that thing on my head again. Everything came rushing back. I screamed again as he pulled the trigger. I fell to the ground,writhing in even more pain. I trashed my legs. Trying to stand up again. Trying to live. I tried as hard as I could. But I knew it was hopeless. I saw him bending down,one last time. He put the metal thing to my head,one last time. I screamed as he pulled the trigger. I screamed. I screamed my name.

 Free Spirit
That was the life of a Slaughter House Horse. Of course I made it up. But mostly everything of what I said is true. Of how they have to shoot the horse several times with something called a bolt gun. It is a horrifying process. The horses are scared and panicked. These horses should have been in loving homes. But a Slaughter House person buys them at horse auctions. Sometimes they even steal horses. It's a horrible thing to do. 


  1. Why!?!?!?!? THAT'S HORRIBLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. so sad story but it was good,the story :(

  3. What's wrong Eskan???

    I by accident found a video on You-Tube showing the horses in the Slaughter House.And what they did....

    Then I found another video but it was telling about th life of a slaughter house horse.

    That inspired me to do my own!


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